Onward Manufacturing Company operates three state of the art North American manufacturing facilities allowing for the specialization of production of specific components and models.

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Specializing in production of Broil King Sovereign, Signet, Monarch, and Gem models as well as European Baron production models.

Huntington, Indiana, USA
Specializing in production of Broil King Imperial, Regal, Baron and built-in models.

Dickson, Tennessee, USA
Specializing in production of Broil King Crown and Baron models.
Onward Manufacturing Company insources major components to its own factories.
It is the most vertically integrated grill manufacturer in the world producing and finishing its own Aluminum, Resin and Steel Components.
Onward Manufacturing Company outsources certain products and components to specialized factories around the globe.
All incoming materials are verified for conformance to our standards. Transformation of all products in third party factories are carefully engineered, tightly controlled and rigorously inspected to insure conformance to our standards of excellence.

People Ask Us
Why produce in North America and not China?
- Onward is committed to producing the majority of its products in its own factories where every detail of the transformation of materials and processes can be verified and controlled.
- All components and final products must meet the quality standards established in our ISO 9001:2015 quality procedures.
Why produce in three factories?
- Each factory specializes in certain processes, components, and products.
- All three factories specialize in metal fabrication, metal preparation, painting, and final assembly.
- Injection-molded resin components are produced by an Onward affiliate in Kitchener/Waterloo and supplied to all three manufacturing facilities.
- Porcelain Enamel components are produced in Onwards Huntington, Indiana factory and supplied to all three manufacturing facilities.
- Die-Cast Aluminum components are produced in Onwards Dickson, Tennessee factory and supplied to all three manufacturing facilities.
Our number one commitment to every Team Member is Safety.
Every factory must comply with the Health and Safety regulations their jurisdiction. Every worker must be aware and commit to the Company’s Safety Policies and programs to ensure:
- Safety for themselves and their families
- Safety for their fellow workers
- Safety for the families that use our products
Our number one commitment to every customer is Quality.
When it comes to quality, there can be no compromise. Improvement to quality is a never-ending journey. Onward was the first grill company to embrace ISO quality standards and remains committed to ensuring and continuously improving the quality of every process, component, product, and service to deliver an exceptional experience our customers have grown to trust.
Onward Manufacturing Company operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.